A strong and united Europe

that promotes a better world.

In an increasingly unstable world, Europe must be a beacon of democracy, peace and stability, as well as a benchmark for social justice, dialogue, multilateralism, human rights, decent work, the rule of law, sustainable development and gender equality. We must be united in the face of unpredictable and isolationist partners, and promote a different form of globalisation. At the same time, the EU should push for reform of the United Nations. We will make sure the EU includes binding social and environmental standards, human rights, consumer protection and workers’ rights in all future trade agreements. These agreements should be subject to democratic oversight, ensuring the due participation of civil society. We oppose the old-fashioned private arbitration system. We will stick to the promise of investing 0.7% of our GNI in official development assistance, and strengthen our partnerships with developing countries. We will further develop our common European defence, pooling and sharing our resources to ensure peace and security, in cooperation with NATO and other international organisations.

Europe needs a fair common asylum and migration policy, based on shared responsibility and solidarity among Member States, and cooperation with countries of origin and transit. We could all benefit from a well-managed, regular and fair migration system; it can help strengthen the economy, generate new jobs and maintain our welfare system. Europe must manage migration in a more dignified, just and orderly way, maintaining effective control of its borders while fighting human trafficking and the criminal exploitation of people, and enhancing the protection of those in need of asylum. To do this, we must open safe and legal channels, support protection capacities in adjacent regions and tackle the root causes of migration, including climate change. This will require a new partnership with Africa and a comprehensive European Investment Plan for Africa. We will promote better funding of integration policies and support host cities and communities.

The European elections in May 2019 are the moment to sign a new Social Contract for a Europe which protects citizens’ rights and promotes solidarity and a Europe that guarantees a better life for the many, not the few. We are in a fight for the soul of Europe, and for our common future. The Party of European Socialists will bring progress and will improve citizens’ lives in villages, towns, cities and regions throughout Europe. By supporting PES member parties, you will be supporting and building this Europe.

Download the Manifesto (PDF)

Europe must be a beacon of democracy, peace and stability.